An estimate Fˆ of a water resource system's performance, when it is derived by simulation using synthetic streamflow sequences, is subject to at least three errors: first, model errors, arising from the approximation to the ‘true’ streamflow mechanism which the model represents; second, sampling errors in the model parameters θ when they are calculated from the historic records; and third, errors introduced by the Monte Carlo calculation from which Fˆ is derived. This paper presents some observations on the effects of the first two types of error on the estimate Fˆ but concentrates on the application of variance reduction techniques to the derivation of Monte Carlo estimates Fˆ for given θ. These techniques are, first, the use of control variates and, second, the use of antithetic variates, and their application is illustrated by using some hypothetical examples of the calculation of probabilities of extreme hydrological events and of the calculation of reliability measures for a much oversimplified storage system. Considerable reduction in the variance of Fˆ resulted from the application of the control variate method; the reduction in Var Fˆ resulting from the use of antithetic variates was much less but still probably worth the small additional programing effort required. It is concluded that the promise of the control variate method suggests that it should be applied to assist in the efficient simulation of more realistic water resource systems than the trivial ones considered in this paper.
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