Under the conditions of small batch, there are many problems in the applications of statistical process control (SPC), which has limitation in the course of modern industry. The parameter sigma must maintain invariably which comes from its supposition process white noise N (0 , sigma ), or else the control chart is untenable. This paper proposed to carry on the quality control using the Kalman filtering. Using the Kalman filtering as the basic theory of the industry quality control process can fully reflect the content of control. It can completely eliminate inadaptation of the using with SPC in the course of modern industry quality control process. Through the example research, the paper indicates that the Kalman filtering has the compatibility of the quality control compared to SPC, the estimating error of which is small.
Dai Hai-fei.
Modeling method of multivariate statistical control chart for small-batch manufacturing process quality
Eugene L. Grant,et al.
Statistical Quality Control
Douglas C. Montgomery,et al.
A kalman filtering process control scheme with an application in semiconductor short run manufacturing
J. L. Roux.
An Introduction to the Kalman Filter
Yu Zhonghua.
Study on the Strategy for Use of SQC in Multi Specification & Small Batch Production
Amit Mitra,et al.
Statistical Quality Control
Greg Welch,et al.
An Introduction to Kalman Filter