Integrated Adaptive Traffic Signal Control with Real-Time Decision Support
This paper presents the development of a new integrated adaptive signal control decision support system (ACDSS) and its implementation for two New York City arterials. Featuring mixed control objectives for both under and oversaturated traffic, the system integrates a Just-in-Time (JIT) microscopic traffic simulation framework, enabling the operator to supervise, review, and interact with signal operations in real-time by verifying algorithm-optimized strategies against other alternatives. This operator-in-the-loop element is viewed as important for achieving robust and reliable operations especially for congested conditions, where the boundaries of different control objectives are hardly definite. In addition to the operator-in-the-loop mode, the new system also supports autonomous signal optimization without operator interactions. Integral to the ACDSS development is the design of SOAP web service based communication channels for retrieving high-resolution traffic data, transmitting optimized signal plans real-time, and interfacing with the control infrastructure. Current implementation covers two arterials in New York City, i.e., Victory Boulevard in Staten Island with 4 intersections (ready to “go live” as of Fall 2009) and a section of Route 9A in Manhattan with 22 intersections.