최근 세계 고속철도 기술의 진화경향 분석을 통한 한국 고속철도의 향수 기술개발 전략
The Korean high-speed rail network has been made a remarkable growth recording the world's 4th rank passenger transportation scale during last 5 years after opening the revenue service of Kyoung-bu high-speed line in 2004. However, in spite of it's outstanding growth, Korean Rail technology should meet a demand of intensive technology development in order to prepare a severe competition with an advance parties of worldwide high-speed rail technology. In this paper, the characteristics and new trend of world's rail industry was reviewed based on the most recent statistics and papers of worldwide rail network from UTC and WCRR 2008. In conclusion, new R&D strategy with choice an concentration for the Korean high-speed rail industry was suggested based on an analysis on the trend of evolution of the state of the art technologies in worldwide high-speed rail system.