The Development of a Complex-Structured Lexicon based on WordNet
The Cornetto project develops a new complex-structured lexicon
for the Dutch language. The lexicon comprises information from
two current electronic dictionaries - the Referentie Bestand
Nederlands (RBN), which contains FrameNet-like structures, and
the Dutch WordNet (DWN) with the usual WordNet structures. The
Cornetto lexicon (stored in the Cornetto database) will be
linked to English WordNet synsets and have detailed
descriptions of lexical items in terms of morphologic,
syntactic, combinatoric and semantic information. The database
is organized in four data collections - lexical units, synsets,
ontology terms and the Cornetto identifiers. The Cornetto
identifiers are specifically used for managing the relations
between lexical units on the one hand and synsets on the other
hand. The mapping is first created automatically, but then
revised manually by lexicographers. Special interfaces have
been developed to compare the different perspectives of
organizing concepts (lexical units versus synsets versus
ontology terms). In this article, we describe the background
information about the Cornetto project and the implementation
of necessary project tools that are based on the DEBVisDic tool
for WordNet editing. The development of the Cornetto clients is
a joint project of the Masaryk University in Brno and the
University of Amsterdam.