Identification of Plastic Wastes by Using Fuzzy Radial Basis Function Neural Networks Classifier with Conditional Fuzzy C-Means Clustering

The techniques to recycle and reuse plastics attract public attention. These public attraction and needs result in improving the recycling technique. However, the identification technique for black plastic wastes still have big problem that the spectrum extracted from near infrared radiation spectroscopy is not clear and is contaminated by noise. To overcome this problem, we apply Raman spectroscopy to extract a clear spectrum of plastic material. In addition, to improve the classification ability of fuzzy Radial Basis Function Neural Networks, we apply supervised learning based clustering method instead of unsupervised clustering method. The conditional fuzzy C-Means clustering method, which is a kind of supervised learning based clustering algorithms, is used to determine the location of radial basis functions. The conditional fuzzy C-Means clustering analyzes the data distribution over input space under the supervision of auxiliary information. The auxiliary information is defined by using k Nearest Neighbor approach.