End-to-End Training of Object Class Detectors for Mean Average Precision

We present a method for training CNN-based object class detectors directly using mean average precision (mAP) as the training loss, in a truly end-to-end fashion that includes non-maximum suppresion (NMS) at training time. This contrasts with the traditional approach of training a CNN for a window classification loss, then applying NMS only at test time, when mAP is used as the evaluation metric in place of classification accuracy. However, mAP following NMS forms a piecewise-constant structured loss over thousands of windows, with gradients that do not convey useful information for gradient descent. Hence, we define new, general gradient-like quantities for piecewise constant functions, which have wide applicability. We describe how to calculate these efficiently for mAP following NMS, enabling to train a detector based on Fast R-CNN [1] directly for mAP. This model achieves equivalent performance to the standard Fast R-CNN on the PASCAL VOC 2007 and 2012 datasets, while being conceptually more appealing as the very same model and loss are used at both training and test time.

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