National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Horticultural and Herbal Environmental Division,Suwon 441-707, Korea(Received on September 11, 2012; Revised on October 11, 2012; Accepted on October 12, 2012)The total number of requests and associated specimens for the diagnosis of virus infection were 573 and 2,992,respectively, on crops from agricultural places of farmers, Agricultural extension services and so forth for 5years from 2007. The total number of virus tests was 13,325. The number of species of viruses infected on thesubmitted crops was 21 in 2007, 15 in 2008, 23 in 2009, 21 in 2010 and 17 in 2011. The newly recorded viruseswere Tobacco leaf curl virus (TbLCV) in 2007, Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) in 2008, Impatiencenecrotic spot virus (INSV) and Radish mosaic virus (RaMV) in 2009, and Beet western yellows virus (BWYV) in2010. Forty virus species including Alfalfa mosaic virus were detected over 5 years. The ten most frequentlydetected virus species were Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), Tomato leaf curlvirus (TYLCV), Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV), Broad bean wilt virus 2 (BBWV2), Zucchiniyellow mosaic virus (ZYMV), Melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV), Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV),Watermelon mosaic virus (WMV) and Pepper mottle virus (PepMoV). The types of crops submitted fromagricultural places were 51 in total and the ten most frequently submitted crops were red pepper, tomato,paprika, watermelon, melon, rice, cucumber, corn, radish and gourd. The total request rate for the top 10crops and top 20 crops was 81.6% and 94.2%, respectively. Eight pepper infecting virus species includedCMV, and the average infection rate was 24.6% for CMV, 18.9% for PMMoV and 14.7% for TSWV. Sevenkinds of double infection were detected in pepper including BBWV2+CMV at 14.7% on average, and fourtypes of triple infection including BBWV2+CMV+PepMoV at 0.9% on average. Six virus species detected ontomato including TYLCV, and the average infection rate was 50.6% for TYLCV, 14.5% for TSWV and10.9% for Tobacco leaf curl virus (TbLCV). The mixed infection of CMV+TSWV on tomato was 3.9% onaverage and of Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV)+TYLCV was 0.4% on average. Five viruses detected onwatermelon included MNSV and the average infection rate was 37.0% for MNSV, 20.4% for CGMMV,18.1% for ZYMV and 17.8% for WMV. The mixed infection rate on watermelon was CMV+MNSV andWMV+ZYMV having an average infection rate of 0.7% and 5.0%, respectively. The average infection rateson melon were 77.6% for MNSV, 5.6% for CMV and 3.3% for WMV. Mixed infections of CMV+MNSVoccurred on melon with an average infection rate of 13.5%. Keywords : BBWV2, BWVY, CGMMV, CMV, MNSV, Plant virus, TYLCV, ZYMV
H. Kwak,et al.
Occurrence of Virus Diseases on Major Crops in 2010
Jeong-Soo Kim,et al.
Symptoms of Cucumber Virus Diseases Occurred in Sangju and Gurye in 2006 and 2007
Jeong-Soo Kim,et al.
Ribgrass Mosaic Tobamovirus Occurred on Chinese Cabbage in Korea
H. Kwak,et al.
Characteristics of Cucumber mosaic virus Infecting Zucchini in Korea
H. Kwak,et al.
Occurrence of Virus Diseases on Major Crops in 2009
Jeong-Soo Kim,et al.
Reduction of Tomato spotted wilt virus on Table Tomatoes in Greenhouses by Soil Fumigation
H. Kwak,et al.
Occurrence of Virus Diseases on Major Crops in 2008
Hong-Soo Choi,et al.
Survey of Viral Diseases Occurrence on Major Crops in 2007
H. Kwak,et al.
First Report on Tomato bushy stunt virus Infecting Tomato in Korea
Jeong-Soo Kim,et al.
Viruses and Symptoms on Peppers, and Their Infection Types in Korea
H. Kwak,et al.
Virus Disease Incidences of Sweet Potatoes in Korea
Kim Jin-young,et al.
Occurrence and Symptoms of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus on Ornamental Plants in Korea
Kim Jin-young,et al.
Occurrence and Symptoms of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus on Vegetables in Korea (I)
Su-Heon Lee,et al.
The Incidence and Distribution of Viral Diseases in Pepper by Cultivation Types
Jeong-Soo Kim,et al.
Characterization of Melon necrotic spot virus Isolated from Muskmelon
P. Palukaitis,et al.
Cucumber mosaic virus.
Advances in virus research.
J. Kim,et al.
Identification and characterization of cactus virus X from cacti in Korea