Characterization and Distribution of Fusarium Acuminatum Subsp. Armeniacum Subsp. Nov.

Fusarium acuminatum Ellis & Everh. sensu Gordon (section Gibbosum) subspecies armeniacum subsp. nov. is described. Hawksworth's (4) guidelines were adopted as the basis for assigning this infraspecies population to the rank of subspecies. Fusarium acuminatum subsp. armeniacum was differentiated first from typical isolates of F. acuminatum in Minnesota recorded under the name F. roseum (Lk.). emend. Snyder & Hansen 'Gibbosum' (5; Windels, unpubl). It also was recovered in eastern Australia and described informally by Forbes (3) and Burgess et al. (1). Cultures of this subspecies were isolated in South Africa by Marasas et al. (7), Rabie et al. (9), and Van Wyk et al. (10) who referred to them as atypical isolates of F. acuminatum. Rabie et al. (9) reported that some of these isolates produced high levels of T-2 toxin. These populations exhibiting this phenotype are designated as a sub-