1. Introduction. C-matrices appear in the literature at various places; for a survey, see [11]. Important for the construction of Hadamard matrices are the symmetric C-matrices, of order v = 2 (mod 4), and the skew C-matrices, of order v = 0 (mod 4). In § 2 of the present paper it is shown that there are essentially no other C-matrices. A more general class of matrices with zero diagonal is investigated, which contains the C-matrices and the matrices of (v, k, X)-systems on k and k + 1 in the sense of Bridges and Ryser [6]. Skew C-matrices are interpreted in § 3 as the adjacency matrices of a special class of tournaments, which we call strong tournaments. They generalize the tourna ments introduced by Szekeres [24] and by Reid and Brown [21]. In § 4 we introduce the notion of negacyclic C-matrices, analogous to the similar notion introduced by Berlekamp in the setting of coding theory (cf. [4, p. 211]). Eigenvalues of negacyclic matrices are characterized and standard forms are obtained. Negacyclic C-matrices are interpreted in § 5 as the matrices of a special class of the relative difference sets introduced by Butson [7]. Exploiting some results of Elliott and Butson [10], we obtain a "multiplier theorem" for negacyclic C-matrices, and adapting a result of [2], we show that any negacyclic C-matrix has a nontrivial multiplier. Necessary conditions for the existence of a negacyclic C-matrix of order v are obtained in § 6. The nonexistence of nega cyclic C-matrices of all orders v ^ 226, v ^ 1 + Ph, with p prime, has been verified. This leads to the conjecture that they do not exist, unless v = 1 + PkPaley [19] constructed C-matrices of all orders v = 1 + pk, p prime. In § 7 it is shown that every Paley matrix is equivalent to a negacyclic C-matrix, a fact
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