High-Fidelity Simulations of Low-Pressure Turbines: Effect of Flow Coefficient and Reduced Frequency on Losses

Large Eddy Simulations validated with the aid of Direct Numerical Simulation are used to study the concerted action of reduced frequency and flow coefficient on the performance of the T106A low-pressure-turbine profile. The simulations are carried out by using a discretization in space and time that allows minimizing the accuracy loss with respect to Direct Numerical Simulation. The reference Reynolds number is 100,000, while reduced frequency and flow coefficient cover a range wide enough to provide valid qualitative information to designers. The various configurations reveal differences in the loss generation mechanism that blends steady and unsteady boundary layer losses with unsteady wake ingestion losses. Large values of the flow coefficient can alter the pressure side unsteadiness, and the consequent loss generation. Low values of the flow coefficient are associated with wake fogging and reduced unsteadiness around the blade. The reduced frequency further modulates these effects. The simulations also reveal a clear trend of losses with the wake path, discussed by conducting a loss-breakdown analysis that distinguishes boundary layer from wake distortion losses.Copyright © 2015 by ASME