Towards a Formal Model for Functional Generative Description: Analysis by Reduction and Restarting Automata

Abstract F unctional G enerative D escription( FGD )isadependencybaseddescriptivesystem,whichhasbeenindevelopmentsincethe1960s,seeesp. Sgalletal. (1969). FGD wasoriginallyimplementedasagen-erativeprocedure,butlatelywehavebeeninterestedinadeclarativerepresentation. eobjectofthepresentpaperconcernsthefoundationsofareductionsystemwhichismorecomplexthanareductionsystemfora(shallow)syntacticanalyzer,sinceitprovidesnotonlythepossibilityofcheckingthewell-formednessofthe(surface)analysisofasentence,butitsunderlying(tectogrammaticalintermsof FGD )representationaswell. Suchareductionsystemmakesitpossibletodefineformallytheanalysisaswellasthesynthesisofasentence.Weproposeanewformalframe,namelya4-levelreductionsystemfor FGD ,whichisbasedontheno-tionofsimplerestartingautomata,seeMesserschmidtetal.(2006).isnewapproachmirrorsstraight-forwardlytheso-called(multi-level)analysisbyreduction,animplicitmethodusedforlinguisticresearch–analysisbyreductionallowsforobtaining(surfaceand/ordeep)(in)dependenciesbythereductionsofCzechsentencesaswellasfordescribingproperlythecomplexwordorderofafreewordorderlanguage,seeLopatkova,Platek,andKuboň(2005).

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