Mathematical methods in computer aided geometric design

Symmetrizing multiaffine polynomials, P.J. Barry norm estimates for inverses of distance matrices, B.J.C. Baxter numerical treatment of surface-surface-intersection and contouring, K.-H. Brakhage modelling closed surfaces - a comparison of existing methods, P. Brunet and A. Vinacua a new characterization of plane elastica, G. Brunnett POLynomials, POLar forms, and interPOL-ation, Casteljau pyramid patches provide potential polynomial paradigms, A.S. Cavaretta and C.A. Micchelli implicitizing rational surfaces with base points by applying perturbations and the factors of zero theorem, E.-W. Chionh and R.C. Goldman wavelets and multiscale interpolation, C.K. Chui and X. Shi a curve intersection algorithm with processing of singular cases - introduction of a clipping technique, M. Daniel best approximation of parametric curves by splines, W.L.F. Degen an approximately G1 cubic surface interpolant, T. DeRose and S. Mann on the G2 continuity of piecewise parametric surfaces, W. Du and F.J.M. Schmitt stationary and non-stationary binary subdivision schemes, N. Dyn and D. Levin MQ-curves are curves in tension, M. Eck offset approximation improvement by control point perturbation, G. Elber and E. Cohen curves and surfaces in geometrical optics, R.T. Farouki and J.-C.A. Chastang evaluation and properties of a derivative of a NURBS curve, M.S. Floater hybrid cubic Bezier triangle patches, T.A. Foley and K. Opitz modelling geological structures using splines, L.A. Froyland, et al wonderful triangle - a simple, unified, algorithmic approach to change of basis procedures in computer aided geometric design, R.N. Goldman an arbitrary mesh network scheme using rational splines, J.A. Gregory and P.K. Yuen Bezier curves and surface patches on quadrics, J. Hoschek monotonicity preserving interplation using C2 rational cubic Bezier curves, M.K. Ismail on piecewise quadratic G2 approximation and interplation, J. Kozak and M. Lokar non-affine blossoms and subdivision for Q-splines, R. Kulkarni. Part contents.