Dairy Products and their Adulteration

Food is related to health and well being. Good food is well balanced that gives our body all that it needs. It is directly linked with growth but adulteration and malnutrition affects youngster’s growth. Food adulteration is a common issue whereas the developing countries are at high risk because of lack of supervision and neglecting policies. Unfortunately, milk adulterants can cause serious health problems such as allergy, renal calculi, and stomachitis. Today there is science era, so recent development in these detection techniques has been reported that included various tests to identify specific adulterant. This article creates awareness among us towards some commonly used adulterants and their simple detection techniques to get the power to make right choice to select their healthy food. Keywords: Adulteration, health problems, detection techniques Cite this Article Kaur M, Kaur J. Dairy Products and their Adulteration. Research and Reviews: Journal of Dairy Science and Technology . 2018; 7(2): 11–14p