Design of Decoupled PI Controller for Quadruple Tank System

This work is present review of various methods for the design of controllers for a Multiple-input Multiple-output system (MIMO). The quadruple tank process is laboratory equipment which has been used in control literature to illustrate many concepts in MIMO systems. The decentralized controller design, and decoupling controller design are analyzed and their performances are evaluated using IAE and ISE criteria. The main work of the project is to design the decentralized with decoupled PI for Quadruple tank process for both minimum and non-minimum phase. PI controller is used to control the process. In order to design the PI controller are basically emphasized on the tuning parameters of the PI. To get the tuning parameters, various tuning methods are used such as direct synthesis, Sequential Relay with ZN settings, IMC based PI method are used in this process for getting the PI parameter for both minimum and non-minimum phase.