Algebraic Types and Automorphism Groups

Galois theory states that if L is a certain algebraic extension (called a Galois extension) of a field K , then there is a one-to-one correspondence (called a Galois correspondence) between subfields M, K ⊂ M ⊂ L and subgroups of the automorphism groups of L fixing the elements in K . A subfield of a field L can be considered as a substructure of L in general model theory. However, a substructure is a subset closed under functions which are interpretations of function symbols in a given language, so the notion of substructure may change if we expand the language by adding definable notions. On the other hand a definably closed substructure is a subset which is closed under all definable functions, and it does not change by such expansions. If we are interested in subfields of an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0, these two notions are the same. But in a field of prime characteristic they are not equal. Speaking roughly, a Galois extension of a field K is an extension whose subfields are relatively definably closed. Poizat [4] showed that if a structure M has elimination of imaginaries there is a kind of Galois correspondence between definably closed substructures and subgroups of bijective elementary mappings of M . In this paper, using Poizat's result we study algebraic types. As is well known, one motivation for developing the Galois theory was to show the unsolvability of equations with degree ≥ 5. We want to take this unsolvability as a special case of general phenomena. For this purpose, we introduce several notions which are stronger than mere algebraicity and study relations between these notions and groups of bijective elementary mappings. (See Theorems 3.7 and 3.9.)