Upstream migration of adult Atlantic salmon past a fish counter weir in the Aberdeenshire Dee, Scotland

During their upstream migration through the lower reaches of the Aberdeenshire Dee, Scotland, radio-tagged adult Atlantic salmon passed a Crump weir-based fish counter without substantial delay over a range of river flows and water temperatures. Tagged salmon were detected sequentially by automatic listening stations placed along the river and were detected at the counter site for a median time of 18 min, compared with a median time of 5 min before the weir was built. One fish out of 16 spent 6·7 h in the vicinity of the weir, but such migratory pauses also occurred before the weir existed. The results suggest that the number of salmon crossing the counter per unit time is a function of the number of fish present downstream and their tendency to migrate upstream, without being limited by their ability to surmount the weir. The apparent slight delay at the weir is probably insignificant in terms of the overall progress of riverine migration and in the context of using counter records to relate salmon movements to environmental Variables.