A Methodological Assistant for UML and SysML Use Case Diagrams

Use case driven analysis is the corner stone of software andsystems modeling in UML and SysML, respectively. A use case diagramidentifies the main functions to be offered by the system and showcasesthe interactions between in-system use cases and out-system users. Iden-tifying and organizing use cases requires good abstraction skills. There-fore, many students and industry practitioners face methodological prob-lems in writing good use cases. Many books and tutorials have addressedthe subject. Nevertheless, integration of use case elaboration principlesinto a UML or SysML tool still remains an open issue. This paper pro-poses solutions and discusses implementation in a methodological assis-tant named UCCheck. The latter helps use case diagrams designers torely on formalized rules and reuse of previous diagrams to create andreview their use case diagrams. Implemented in Python, UCCheck is in-terfaced with the free SysML software TTool and with Cameo SystemsModeler, leaving doors open for other UML or SysML tools.