Coal fired boiler flyash control by fabric filter dust collectors

Perhaps the most interesting and unexpected result of this application is that two similar baghouses, filtering the flue gases from two similar boilers, can exhibit such distinctly different behavior with respect to pressure loss and bag life. This result shows that the application of baghouses to coal fired boilers must be considered individually. A specific type of fabric and air cloth ratio cannot be assumed to work in each case unless the air cloth ratio is conservatively low enough to insure a small pressure loss. Proper fabric selection is important, and there are several parameters involved in the determination of an acceptable fabric: Flow capacity, fly ash penetration, length of service and, of course, price. Fabric performance varies considerably and fabric selection must be made on a priority basis. For example, some length of service may be sacrificed for lower initial cost and higher flow capacity. Although special precautions must be taken, it has been shown that coal fired boiler fly ash can be controlled by means of fabric filter dust collectors.