Matching instances in GeoLink

We propose the use of the GeoLink data repository as an instance matching benchmark. The GeoLink project brings together seven datasets related to geoscience research. Both the T-box and the A-box of GeoLink are significantly larger than current benchmarks, and they have interesting challenges, such as geospatial and temporal data. GeoLink is part of the NSF EarthCube initiative. Seven diverse geoscience datasets have been brought together into a single data repository. The ontology is documented at, and the triple store is accessible at There are currently 282 classes, 338 properties, 5,118,150 instances and 45,093,750 triples in the knowledge base. The are also owl:sameAs and skos:closeMatch links between instances of different types. The sameAs links were manually generated by the data providers, while the closeMatch links were generated by an automated coreference resolution system. We highlight three different classes within the GeoLink schema that pose different opportunities for evaluating and challenging coreference resolution systems: Person, Cruise, and Organization. Person Instances of Person appear in a variety of contexts such as Chief Scientist on a cruise, Principal Investigator on a project, participant in a meeting, or creator of a dataset or paper. Key object properties related to the person class reflect these different contexts. Related data properties include name, email address, and ORCID. GeoLink considers the NSF dataset to be “canonical” for the Person class, meaning that Person instances in each of the other datasets have been mapped to NSF instances. The NSF dataset contains 335,504 people, so it is not feasible to compare each person from one of the constituent datasets to every person in the NSF datset. This benchmark can therefore be used to encourage development of systems that employ effective filtering or other mechanisms to achieve scalablility. The triple store currently contains 15,660 people not in the NSF dataset. There are 790 sameAs and 1,405 closeMatch links between these people and those within the NSF data. Cruise There are 12,070 cruises in the GeoLink repository, potentially allowing an m by n comparison. There are 1,356 sameAs links and 368 closeMatch links among cruises. The cruise coreference task is intriguing because cruises have geospatial and temporal elements, which are considered an important challenge