Deep Spatial Pyramid Match Kernel for Scene Classification

Several works have shown that Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) can be easily adapted to different datasets and tasks. However, for extracting the deep features from these pre-trained deep CNNs a fixedsize (e.g., 227×227) input image is mandatory. Now the state-of-the-art datasets like MIT-67 and SUN-397 come with images of different sizes. Usage of CNNs for these datasets enforces the user to bring different sized images to a fixed size either by reducing or enlarging the images. The curiosity is obvious that “Isn’t the conversion to fixed size image is lossy ?”. In this work, we provide a mechanism to keep these lossy fixed size images aloof and process the images in its original form to get set of varying size deep feature maps, hence being lossless. We also propose deep spatial pyramid match kernel (DSPMK) which amalgamates set of varying size deep feature maps and computes a matching score between the samples. Proposed DSPMK act as a dynamic kernel in the classification framework of scene dataset using support vector machine. We demonstrated the effectiveness of combining the power of varying size CNN-based set of deep feature maps with dynamic kernel by achieving state-of-the-art results for high-level visual recognition tasks such as scene classification on standard datasets like MIT67 and SUN397.

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