Über Mischsysteme von Alkali- und Erdalkalifluoriden mit Uranverbindungen

A survey is given of the results of extended investigations into certain systems of anomalous mixed crystals between urauium compounds and fluorides of the alkalis and alkaline earths. The systems in question are as follows: NaF - Na/sub 2/U/sub 2/O/sub 7/, LiF -- Li/sub 2/UO/sub 4/, KF -K/sub 2 /UO/sub 4/, NaF UO/sub 2/(OH)/sub 2/, CaF/sub 2/-- CaUO/sub 4/, CaF/sub 2/-- UO/sub 2/. These mi xed crystals were subjected to examination under the polarizing microscope, by x rays, and by spectral photometry. In numerous cases it was possible to deduce the mechanism of intergrowth and this can serve as a base on which a later discussion of the absorption aud luminescence phenomena of these systems can be founded. (auth)