The Effects of Interferences on Time Reversal MIMO: An Evaluation of Multipath and Co-Channel Interference

The relationship between the performance of time reversal based multiple-input/multiple-output (MIMO) communication and changes of multipath environment is investigated quantitatively by a parametric study approach. In this study, the adaptive passive time reversal (APTR)-MIMO, which is an extended method of passive time reversal (PTR) communication technique, is applied to the multipath rich synthetic shallow underwater acoustic dataset. We focused on discussing about the relationship among the changes of multipath environment, the number of transmission channels, the ability of APTR-MIMO for removal of co-channel interference (CCI) and the efficiency for the utilization of energy of wave-filed including multipath. As a result, the dependency of the performance on the characteristic of acoustic wavefield is indicated, that is, how the performance of APTR-MIMO is saturated when multipath environment changes. It is also demonstrated that APTR-MIMO can utilize the energy of multipath as effectively as possible under the Gaussian noise dominant environment.