General design of on-line risk monitor for nuclear power plant

On-line risk monitor (OLRM) used in nuclear power plants (NPP) is based on the fault tree/event tree models typically used in the probabilistic safety assessment of NPP. OLRM is different from the existing risk monitor for NPP in that it receives on-line risk information from IC probabilistic safety assessment (PSA); living PSA(LPSA) 1 Background 1 Nowadays the Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) has rapidly become a well-established discipline with growing applications in support of decision making process in Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). It is primarily used to support the design and operation of NPP (1) . Currently, PSA models of many NPPs are maintained by Living Probabilistic Safety Assessment (LPSA) model. LPSA is a daily safety management system based on a plant-specific PSA and supporting information system (2) .