SCCREAM: A Conceptual Rocket-Based Combined-Cycle Engine Performance Analysis Tool

A new computer analysis tool capable of predicting rocket-based combined-cycle engine performance data (thrust and Isp) over a wide range of e ight conditions and engine operating modes is presented. The tool is called SCCREAM, which stands for simulated combined-cycle rocket engine analysis module. SCCREAM is an objectorientedworkstation-levelcodewritteninC++thatcanberemotelyexecutedthroughaweb-baseduserinterface.It uses quasi-one-dimensional e ow analysis techniques, componentand combustion efe ciencies, and an inlet pressure recovery schedule as simplifying assumptions. SCCREAM was created for the conceptual launch vehicle design environment and is capable of quickly generating large tables of engine performance data for use in subsequent trajectory optimization. An overview of SCCREAM and the program logic is presented. Results from SCCREAM are compared with published rocket-based combined-cycle engine performance data and with data generated by other engine analysis tools for a representative reference vehicle cone guration.