Sediment SamplingataDepthof 1O,131m inthe ChallengerDeep by ROV Kaiko
TheRemotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)Kaiko, built in1995, isabletodiveatoceandepths of11,000m. OnMay29, 2003,theKaiko's secondary cablesnapped, andtheKaiko's vehicle hasbeenmissing. JAMSTEC (JapanAgencyfor Marine-Earth Science andTechnology) wasdecided toremodel the7,000mclass ROV UROV7K instead ofthelostvehicle in ordertocontinue thescientific activities. Thissystem wascalled "KAIK07000" system, andremodeling wasfinished inMarch 2004.After success oftheseatrials, actual science activities that wereinterrupted bytheKaiko's vehicle lost wasresumed inMay 2005.JAMSTEC planedthatover10,000mdeepsegment sampling intheChallenger DeepattheMariana Trenchbyusing thelauncher systemof"Kaiko". OnDecember10,2006, weare carried outtheseatrial forthesegmentsampling inthe Challenger DeepattheMarianaTrenchbyusing thelauncher systemofKaiko.Thelauncher reached thedepthof10,131m of theseabottomattheChallenger Deep,andthecoresampler "Asyura" succeeded insegmentsampling. Thispaperdescribes aboutthemethodofdeep-sea sediment sampling andtheseatrial intheChallenger DeepattheMarianaTrenchbyusingthe launcher system ofKaiko. IndexTerms- Kaiko,Launcher,SedimentSampling, Challenger Deep
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