A long-term-sampling evaluation was made of the quantity, discharge pathway, and chemical form of 14C released from 2 pressurized water reactors (PWR) and 1 boiling water reactor (BWR) in the northeastern United States. For the R. E. Ginna PWR the discharge rate of gaseous 14C was 11.6 Ci/GW(e)-yr. Venting of gas decay tanks accounted for 42%, while 35% was discharged through auxiliary building ventilation and 23% through containment venting. The average chemical composition was 10% as 14CO2, 90% as 14CH4 and other hydrocarbon gases. For the Indian Point Unit 3 PWR, the discharge rate was 9.6 Ci/GW(e)-yr, primarily by pressure-relief venting and purging of the containment air. Venting of gas decay tanks accounted for about 7% of the total released. The chemical species were 26% 14CO2, 74% 14CH4 and other hydrocarbon gases. For the J. A. FitzPatrick BWR, the discharge rate was 12.4 Ci/GW(e)-yr. Approximately 97% of the release was via off-gas discharge, which was about 95% 14CO2. For all 3 reactors the quantity of 14C released with liquid and solid wastes was less than 5% of the gaseous release.
C. Kunz.
Continuous stack sampling for sup 14 C at the R. E. Ginna pressurized water reactor
J. Bretschneider,et al.
Investigations into the emission of carbon-14 compounds from nuclear facilities.
W. Davis.
Carbon-14 production in nuclear reactors
D. Hayes,et al.
Carbon-14 production by the nuclear industry.
Health physics.
H. Krieger,et al.
Radiological surveillance studies at the Oyster Creek BWR Nuclear Generating Station
P. J. Magno,et al.
Consideration of the significance of carbon-14 discharges from the nuclear power industry