A Datum Search Game And An Experimental Verification For Its Theoretical Equilibrium

AbstractA so-called datum search game is a kind of two-person zero-sum search games. Two players, a searcher and a target, start playing the game by the information of a point of the target. For the game, Washburn and Hohzaki already proposed a theoretical method to derive an approximation of an equilibrium solution, which is represented by a motion for the target and a plan of distributing search resources for the searcher in a continuous search space. Recently, there have been trials that verify theoretical solutions of games by some experiments involving human factors, especially in Experimental Economics. We make a simulator consisting of two PCs, on which two operators play roles of the target and the searcher through the simulation of the datum search game. After analyzing data on actions of two operators, we obtain the experimental results, which are consistent with a theoretical equilibrium.