Roughness and the critical bandwidth at low frequency
A plausible model represents the sensation of roughness as the product of three factors, a speed factor that increases with increasing modulation rate, a temporal modulation transfer function (TMTF), and a spectral window that is determined by auditory filter widths. At high signal frequency, where critical bands are broad, the TMTF is the controlling factor. At low signal frequency the auditory filters dominate. Therefore, roughness experiments can serve to measure the critical bandwidth at low frequency. To implement this idea, listeners adjusted both the modulation rate for AM signals and the beat rate of beating sine pairs in order to achieve maximum roughness. The center frequency varied from 2000 to 70 Hz, and SPLs were 60 and 80 dB. The data could be fitted with a model in which roughness is summed over all auditory filters. The data require the critical bandwidth parameter to continue to decrease with decreasing frequency below 500 Hz so that it becomes considerably narrower than critical bands fr...