The Practical: Arts of Eclectic

Though titled "The Practical" and concerned with practice, the series of papers of which this is one is grounded in a consideration of theory as well as practice. The series is concerned with theory because a study of educational literature reveals that education in general and the field of curriculum in particular have been inveterately theoretic and that this theoretic bent has let education down. Educators have sought theory (theory of curriculum, theories of teaching and learning) as if such theories would be sufficient to tell us what and how to teach. Educators have applied theories from the behavioral sciences toward solution of practical problems as if these borrowed theories could be applied simply and directly. Meanwhile, educators themselves, as well as others, bear witness to the fact that problems so attacked have been poorly solved. Extant curriculums with the stamp of theoretic legitimation often fail in practice. Teaching which is coherent with theory often misses its practical mark. Some of this failure is inherent in the character of practical