Test bench for ITER gyrotrons. Measurements of the RF power value during tests of the ITER-prototype gyrotrons

An increase of the industrial production and population in the world requires search and introduction of the new energy sources. Controlled thermonuclear fusion is one of the most promising sources of obtaining energy. At present, the international experimental thermonuclear reactor ITER is built in France (Cadarache). For additional plasma heating in ITER twenty four gyrotrons generating RFpower at the 170 GHz frequency will be used. Russian Federation within the framework of ITER obligations, must supply eight gyrotrons [1]. Before delivery, the gyrotrons must be tested on the test bench, which was built in Institute of tokamak physics, NRC “Kurchatov Institute”. Test bench for the work in the continuous (CW) regime is equipped with the high-voltage power supplies, water cooling and vacuum pumping systems, evacuated transmission line, which connects gyrotron with the terminal load, the protection and blocking system, technological diagnostics, the systems of the experimental data acquisition, processing and archiving.