Solar Sail Trajectories for Solar Polar and Interstellar Probe Missions

Solar Sail trajectories for two high energy Space Physics missions, Solar Polar and Interstellar Probe, are examined in this paper. An ideal, perfectly reflecting, flat sail together with optimal thrust steering is assumed in the trajectory synthesis. Parametric data is presented for both missions as a function of both sail characteristic acceleration and minimum solar distance. The purpose of the Solar Polar mission is to place a payload into a short period, circular polar orbit about the Sun. The Interstellar Probe mission is to place the spacecraft on a heliocentric escape trajectory that will reach 100 to 1000 AU in 10 to 20 years in the direction of the solar apex. The above requirements dictate trajectories that are much more energetic than any that have been previously flown and appear most attractive using solar sails as the propulsion medium.