Growth in blue gum forest harvesting and haulage requirements in the Green Triangle region between 2008 and 2020

Summary The Green Triangle blue gum industry has a forecast sustainable yield of 3.7 million t y−1 that should be realised by 2013. We estimate that the industry will require between 166 and 249 harvest-related machines to achieve this yield, with a total capital value of between $82 and $107 million. Haulage needs of the emerging blue gum industry are likely to put significant pressure on Green Triangle roads, in particular at the Port of Portland where the bulk of this wood will be delivered. To handle this harvest we estimate that either 109 semi-trailers or 81 B-double units will be required. Use of larger units will reduce the traffic density but will require ‘education’ of other road users. The skill levels required by workers using alternative harvesting systems vary; in particular in-forest chipping with debarking at the forest edge is predicted to place the least demand on operator skills. Additional in-forest labour, estimated to be between 246 and 389 workers, will be needed. The greatest demand for training is likely to occur in 2011. This study has identified a clear need for the blue gum industry to undertake significant planning and preparation for harvesting and hauling the resource. This task includes liaison with road providers, development of loading and unloading infrastructure, and provision of operator and driver training. The expansion provides considerable opportunities in many sectors of the forest and related industries.