An empirical investigation of mobile data service continuance: Incorporating the theory of planned behavior into the expectation-confirmation model

Due to the rapid growth of mobile data service (MDS), research into MDS continuance has recently emerged as an important issue in information systems (IS) and marketing literature. This study develops an integrated model designed to predict a user's continuance behavior toward MDS based on the expectation-confirmation model (ECM) and the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Empirical data collected from 207 users who had prior experience with MDS and was tested against the proposed research model using structure equation modeling. Analysis results show that user satisfaction, perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, and perceived fee are an important part of the formation of MDS continuance intention. Furthermore, the two components of the TPB, subject norm and perceived behavioral control, also have a significant impact on MDS continuance intention. Overall, this study provides evidence that an integrated model has a better explanatory power of MDS continuance compared to either model considered alone.

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