Performance of parallel incomplete LDLt factorizations for solving acoustic wave propagation problems from industry

Parallel incomplete LDLt (ParILDLt) factorizations are used to solve highly indefinite complex-symmetric linear systems that arise from finite element discretization of acoustic wave propagation problems. The parallelization strategy is a generalized domain decomposition type approach in which adjacent subdomains have to exchange data during the construction of the incomplete factorization preconditioning matrix, as well as during each local forward and backward substitution. Comparison with the SYSNOISE (LMS International NV) direct solver, and the finite element tearing and interconnecting method for the Helmholtz equation (FETI-H), is done in terms of execution time and memory usage. Challenging industrial problems are tested, showing that high performance is achieved with ParlLDLt. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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