Heat-Flux Measurements and Predictions for the Blade Tip Region of a High-Pressure Turbine

High-pressure turbine blade tips operate in a highly complex flow environment that makes designing new blades for increased life difficult. Computational fluid dynamics simulations of the tip flow field may be able to guide new designs to improve the blade life, but the analysis techniques need to be verified against detailed measurements before they can be applied. The current paper presents measurements of heat flux and pressure in the blade tip region of a modern one-and-one-half stage high-pressure turbine operating at design corrected conditions in a rotating rig. Both flat tip and recessed, or squealer, tip blades were used in the experiments. The measurements indicate that the recessed tip, used in the majority of modern turbines to minimize blade damage from rubs, increases the blade heat load overall, and creates several hot spots on the floor of the recess for an uncooled airfoil. The tip data also showed there were significant unsteady variations in the heat load at the vane passing frequency. Steady state CFD calculations were completed for both flat and squealer tip configurations to examine if the analysis could capture the details that were measured. The CFD, while not capable of estimating the unsteady heat load component and generally over predicting the overall heat flux by 10–25%, did capture the measured heat flux trends in the recessed tip. These results show that steady-state CFD analysis can be useful in predicting the complex flow field and heat load distribution in turbine blade tips to help guide future blade designs.Copyright © 2006 by ASME