Application of Passive Microwave Remote Sensing to Sea Ice Thickness Measurement

In recent years, microwave radiometry has been developed as a powerful technique for remote Sensing of Sea ice in China. Since 1986 the thermal emission from sea ice in Liaodong Bay and Bohai Bay has been measured by multi frequency microwave radiometers designed by Changchun Institute of Geography, Academia Sinica. The paper analysizes the microwave measurement principle of sea ice thickness, introduces the model of theory about its measurement and provides the calculation formulation for sea ice radiation constant as well as the process of microwave radiometer data. The relationship between brightness temperature and sea ice thickness, salinity, temperature, frequency, polarization, etc, has been experimentally obtained. In the end, it introduces the Computer automatical process system of measurement of sea ice thickness, compares the result of theoretical calculation with the ones of practical measurement, and almost obtains the same result.