Effects of buphenin on the rat portal vein.

The vasodilator and tocolytic substance buphenin (10 mumol/l) stimulated the spontaneous phasic activity of some (8 out of 18) isolated rat portal vein preparations; 0,1-1 mmol/l buphenin diminished or abolished the activity in all preparations. The isotonic and isometric tonic contractions of portal vein in response to adrenaline, noradrenaline and phenylephrine (0,1-1 mumol/l) disappeared almost completely after addition of buphenin in equimolar concentrations, whereas acetylcholine contractions persisted. The beta-adrenergic blocking agents propranolol and dichloisoprenaline (10 mumol/l) only slightly antagonized the inhibitory effect of buphenin on the contractile responses to catecholamines. It is concluded that buphenin exerts dual action upon rat portal vein: the drug partially stimulates the beta-receptors and partially blocks the alpha-adrenergic receptors.