LUCIFER1 commissioning at the LBT

LUCIFER 1 is the rst of two identical camera-spectrograph units installed at the LBT (Large Binocular Telescope) on Mount Graham in Arizona. Its commissioning took place between September 2008 and November 2009 and has immediately been followed by science operations since December 2009. LUCIFER has a 4x4 arcminute eld of view. It is equipped with a 2048x2048 pixel HAWAII-2 array, suitable lters (broad-band z, J, H, K & Ks plus 12 medium and narrow band near-infrared lters) and three gratings for spectroscopy for a resolution of up to 15000. LUCIFER has 3 cameras: two specic for seeing limited imaging (the N3.75 camera, with 0.12"/pixel) and spectroscopy (the N1.8 camera, with 0.25"/pixel) and one for diraction limited observations (the N30 camera). We report here about the completed seeing-limited commissioning, thus using only two of the cameras.