ENSC 300 (Energy Seminar) Annotated Bibliography, Supplementary Reading

[1]  B. Caplan,et al.  The Myth of the Rational Voter: Why Democracies Choose Bad Policies , 2008 .

[2]  Eric D. Beinhocker The origin of wealth : the radical remaking of economics and what it means for business and society , 2007 .

[3]  Benjamin Ross,et al.  The Polluters: The Making of Our Chemically Altered Environment , 2010 .

[4]  Renée Mauborgne,et al.  Blue ocean strategy : how to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant , 2005 .

[5]  Robert J. Wuthnow Be Very Afraid: The Cultural Response to Terror, Pandemics, Environmental Devastation, Nuclear Annihilation, and Other Threats , 2010 .

[6]  Steve Coll Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power , 2012 .

[7]  One World: The Ethics of Globalization , 2002 .

[8]  Martin Ruef,et al.  The Entrepreneurial Group: Social Identities, Relations, and Collective Action , 2010 .

[9]  L. J. Regan PRACTICAL ETHICS. , 1943, California and western medicine.

[10]  E. Phelps Mass Flourishing: How Grassroots Innovation Created Jobs, Challenge, and Change , 2013 .

[11]  R. Reich The Future of Success: Working and Living in the New Economy , 2000 .

[12]  Frans. Johansson,et al.  The Medici Effect: Breakthrough Insights at the Intersection of Ideas, Concepts, and Cultures , 2004 .

[13]  K. Moore,et al.  Moral Ground: Ethical Action for a Planet in Peril , 2011 .

[14]  S Meckled-Garcia,et al.  Rights from wrongs - A secular theory of the origins of rights , 2006 .

[15]  R. Kurzweil The age of spiritual machines: when computers exceed human intelligence , 1998 .

[16]  A. Dershowitz Rights from wrongs : a secular theory of the origins of rights , 2005 .

[17]  Andrew S Winston Green Recovery: Get Lean, Get Smart, and Emerge from the Downturn on Top , 2009 .

[18]  Gregory J. Howard The Polluters: The Making of Our Chemically Altered Environment , 2011, Environmental Health Perspectives.

[19]  R. Kurzweil,et al.  The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology , 2006 .

[20]  T. Mcdaniel,et al.  Review of A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future , 2008 .

[21]  Peter Singer,et al.  A companion to ethics , 1993 .

[22]  Avinash Dixit,et al.  The Art of Strategy: A Game Theorist's Guide to Success in Business and Life , 2010 .

[23]  M. Gentile Giving Voice to Values , 2010 .

[24]  Daniel C. Esty,et al.  Green to gold : how smart companies use environmental strategy to innovate, create value, and build competitive advantage , 2006 .

[25]  E. Aronson,et al.  The Social Animal , 1973 .

[26]  Erik Brynjolfsson,et al.  Race against the machine : how the digital revolution is accelerating innovation, driving productivity, and irreversibly transforming employment and the economy , 2011 .

[27]  P. Slovic Perception of risk. , 1987, Science.

[28]  Aswath Damodaran,et al.  Strategic Risk Taking: A Framework for Risk Management , 2007 .

[29]  M. Porter,et al.  Harvard Business Review on Corporate Responsibility , 2003 .

[30]  B. Drayton Green Equilibrium: The Vital Balance of Humans and Nature, Christopher Wills. Oxford University Press (2013). xxviii+280 pp., Hardback £20.00, $34.95, ISBN: 978-0-19-964570-1 , 2015 .

[31]  Edward Hess Grow to Greatness: Smart Growth for Entrepreneurial Businesses , 2012 .

[32]  Bjørn Lomborg,et al.  Smart Solutions to Climate Change , 2010 .

[33]  I. Sohn The World in 2050: Four Forces Shaping Civilization's Northern Future , 2010 .

[34]  T. Wagner The Global Achievement Gap: Why Even Our Best Schools Don't Teach the New Survival Skills Our Children Need--and What We Can Do About It , 2008 .

[35]  H. Gardner Creating minds: an anatomy of creativity seen through the lives of freud , 1993 .

[36]  David Shambaugh China Goes Global: The Partial Power , 2013 .