Towards a New Model of Storage and Access to Data in Big Data and Cloud Computing

Thetechnologicalrevolutionintegratingmultipleinformationsourcesandextensionofcomputer scienceindifferentsectorsledtotheexplosionofthedataquantities,whichreflectsthescalingofvolumes,numbersandtypes.Thesemassiveincreaseshaveresultedinthedevelopmentofnewlocation techniquesandaccesstodata.Thefinalstepsinthisevolutionhaveemergednewtechnologies:Cloud andBigData.ThereferenceimplementationoftheCloudsandBigDatastorageisincontestablythe HadoopDistributedFileSystem(HDFS).Thislatterisbasedontheseparationofmetadatatodatathat consistsinthecentralizationandisolationofthemetadataofstorageservers.Inthispaper,theauthors proposeanapproachtoimprovetheservicemetadataforHadooptomaintainconsistencywithout muchcompromisingperformanceandscalabilityofmetadatabysuggestingamixedsolutionbetween centralizationanddistributionofmetadatatoenhancetheperformanceandscalabilityofthemodel. KeywoRDS Big Data, Clouds of Storage, Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce, Metadata

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