지상형 탄약고의 내부온도 감소 방안 연구
Among ammunitions which are stored in a war field, the lifespan of propelling gunpowder is affected by storage environment such as storage temperature, humidity, and exposure to sunlight. These are because Nitrocellulose (NC) which is the main component of propelling gunpowder can be naturally disassembled to unstable substances similar with other nitric acid ester. We can’t prevent it fundamentally from being disassembled, but to restrain induction of automatic disassembly by decomposition product, a decom- position product (NO2, NO3, and HNO3) and tranquillizer DPA (Diphenylamine), having high reactivity, are added into a propellant. For this, it will decrease the velocity of tranquillizer which can also affect the velocity of producing the decomposition product of NC, storage temperature or humidity of propelling gunpowder is higher, drop of tranquillizer content is much faster. Therefore, to extend storage lifespan of propelling gunpowder, it is really important to control storage temperature or humidity inside the magazine. Hereupon, according to the manufacture of small scale model magazine and the result of performing experiments and measuring variation of inside temperature (storage temperature), using roof types that have a steel slate structure of magazine among ground magazines, this research shows the differences in details.