The virtual terrorism response academy: training for high-risk, low-frequency threats.

The Virtual Terrorism Response Academy is a reusable virtual learning environment to prepare emergency responders to deal with high-risk, low-frequency events in general, terrorist attacks in particular. The principal learning strategy is a traditional one: apprenticeship. Trainees enter the Academy and travel through its halls, selecting different learning experiences under the guidance of instructors who are simultaneously master practitioners and master trainers. The mentors are real individuals who have been videotaped according to courseware designs; they are subsequently available at any time or location via broadband Internet or CD-ROM. The Academy features a Simulation Area where trainees are briefed on a given scenario, select appropriate resources (e.g., protective equipment and hazmat instruments), then enter a 3-dimensional space where they must deal with various situations. Simulations are done under the guidance of a master trainer who functions as a coach, asking questions, pointing out things, explaining his reasoning at various points in the simulation. This is followed by a debriefing and discussion of lessons that could be learned from the simulation and the trainee's decisions.