Masonry walls constructed with lightweight AAC blocks and thin-layer mortar meet the increasingly strict requirements of energy efficiency and sustainability. In this sense, they represent an excellent solution for modern buildings, not only for external cladding but also as loadbearing elements. Despite the possible advantages of using lightweight AAC masonry, a specific assessment of its seismic performance is mandatory in order to set design recommendations allowing to reach safety levels consistent with those required for other masonry types complying with EN 1998 standard requirements.
A comprehensive study on the seismic performance of unreinforced masonry buildings made of lightweight AAC was carried out in an integrated experimental-numerical approach. The experimental campaign provided the necessary information to setup a reliable numerical model to be extensively used to assess the seismic performance of a number of prototype AAC masonry buildings with different characteristics, by means of both linear and nonlinear static (pushover) analysis.
The results of this systematic numerical assessment were eventually used to draft design recommendations, to set parameters (behaviour factors) to be used in linear analysis and to calibrate rules for simple buildings.
Mauerwerkswande aus Porenbetonblocken und Dunnbettmortel erfullen die zunehmend strengeren Anforderungen an Energieeffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit. Sie stellen in dieser Hinsicht eine exzellente Losung fur moderne Gebaude dar, nicht nur fur die Ausenverkleidung, sondern auch als tragende Bauteile. Trotz der Vorteile, die der Einsatz von Porenbetonmauerwerk bietet, ist eine spezifische Bewertung seines seismischen Verhaltens erforderlich, um Bemessungsempfehlungen festlegen zu konnen, die die Anforderungen der Norm EN 1998 erfullen.
Unter Anwendung eines kombinierten experimentellen und numerischen Ansatzes wurde eine umfassende Studie des seismischen Verhaltens von unbewehrten Mauerwerksgebauden aus Porenbeton durchgefuhrt. Die Versuchsreihe lieferte die notwendigen Informationen fur die Entwicklung eines zuverlassigen Modells, das breit eingesetzt werden kann, um das Erdbebenverhalten einer Reihe von prototypischen Mauerwerksbauten aus Porenbeton mit unterschiedlichen Charakteristika sowohl durch lineare als auch nichtlineare statische (Pushover-) Analysen zu bewerten.
Die Ergebnisse dieser systematischen numerischen Bewertung wurden schlieslich dazu verwendet, Bemessungsempfehlungen zu formulieren, Parameter (Verhaltensfaktoren) zur Verwendung in linearen Analysen festzulegen und Regeln fur einfache Gebaude aufzustellen.
Samuel Aroni,et al.
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete - Properties, Testing and Design
Vlatko Bosiljkov,et al.
Robustness of hollow clay masonry units and seismic behaviour of masonry walls
Sergio Lagomarsino,et al.
A nonlinear macroelement model for the seismic analysis of masonry buildings
Christoph Butenweg,et al.
Seismic analysis of masonry structures in German earthquake zones according to DIN EN 1998-1 / Erdbebenbemessung von Mauerwerksbauten in deutschen Erdbebengebieten nach DIN EN 1998-1
Serena Cattari,et al.
TREMURI program: An equivalent frame model for the nonlinear seismic analysis of masonry buildings
Katrin Beyer,et al.
Influence of boundary conditions and size effect on the drift capacity of URM walls
Miha Tomazevic,et al.
Earthquake-Resistant Design of Masonry Buildings
T. Paulay,et al.
Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings
Gian Michele Calvi,et al.
In‐plane seismic response of brick masonry walls
Guido Magenes,et al.
Experimental assessment of the in-plane lateral capacity of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) masonry walls with flat-truss bed-joint reinforcement
Stefan Ehmann,et al.
Design of prefabricated reinforced components of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC)
Peter Fajfar,et al.
A Nonlinear Analysis Method for Performance-Based Seismic Design
M. Fardis,et al.
Designer's guide to EN 1998-1 and en 1998-5 Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance; general rules, seismic actions, design rules for buildings, foundations and retaining structures/ M.Fardis[et al.]
Guido Magenes,et al.
Seismic Performance of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) Masonry: From Experimental Testing of the In-Plane Capacity of Walls to Building Response Simulation