Measurement of Impedance Mismatch and Stored Energy for Right-Angle Reflection of Rayleigh Waves from Grooves on Y Cut LiNbO 3

Abstract : Arrays of grooves acting as reflective gratings are used in several types of surface wave devices. Each edge of a groove, consisting of a down-step followed by an up-step, reflects a fraction of the incident surface-wave beam. For shallow grooves, most of the reflection is due to the mismatch in the Rayleigh-wave fields on the raised and lowered sides of the step, and the reflection-coefficient due to this effect is proportional to the step height, h. For normal incidence this part of the reflection coefficient has been calculated with a boundary-perturbation technique and has also been modeled as an impedance mismatch in a transmission line. Another important contribution to the reflection from a groove is the energy storage at a step discontinuity.