A survey of the helminth parasites of cetaceans stranded on the coast of England and Wales during the period 1990-1994

The helminth parasites from more than 300 cetaceans stranded on the coast of England and Wales during the period 1990-1994 were identified, this being the largest organized survey of cetacean parasites yet undertaken. Thirteen species of cetaceans were examined, although the majority were common (harbour) porpoises Phocoena phocoena ( n =173) and common dolphins Delphinus delphis ( n =101). The parasites found included 11 species of nematode ( Anisakis simplex , Pseudalius inflexus , Torynurus convolutus , Stenurus globicephalae, S. minor , Halocercus delphini , H. invaginatus , H. lagenorhynchi , H. taurica , Crassicauda boopis, Crassicauda sp.), five cestodes ( Diphyllobothrium polyrugosum, D. stemmacephalum , Phyllobothrium delphini , Monorygma grimaldii , Tetrabothrius sp.), five digeneans ( Campula oblonga , Oschmarinella albamarina, O. rochebruni , Lecithodesmus palliatus , Pholeter gastrophilus ) and two acanthocephalans ( Bolbosoma capitatum, B. physeteris ). The results of this survey are tabulated and each helminth species is discussed in terms of its biology and pathogenicity.