Low Cost Object Sorting Robotic Arm Using Raspberry Pi

Gesture recognition is a topic of immense interest in the field of computing and image processing involving numerous factors and constraints nevertheless yielding remarkable simplification of various human affairs. In this work, the problem of gesture recognition is narrowed down to that of hand gesture recognition and specifically deals with finger count extraction to facilitate further processing using the control so effected. A hand gesture recognition system has been developed, wherein the finger count in a certain input hand image is computed in accordance with a simple yet effective procedure. The problem of hand gesture recognition is solved by means of adopting a lucid albeit efficient algorithm which has been implemented using the embedded c System Generator software tool. The algorithm followed I invariant to rotation and scale of the hand. The approach involves segmenting the hand based on skin color statistics and applying certain constraints to classify pixels as skin and non skin regions. Those depending on the robotic arm move the direction and pick the object and drop the object using raspberry pi microcontroller. The Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized single computer or SoC uses ARM1176JZF-S core. SoC, or System on a Chip, is a method of placing all necessary electronics for running a computer on a single chip. Raspberry Pi needs an Operating system to start up. In the aim of cost reduction, the Raspberry Pi omits any on-board non-volatile memory used to store the boot loaders, Linux Kernels and file systems as seen in more traditional embedded systems. Rather, a SD/MMC card slot is provided for this purpose. After boot load, as per the application program Raspberry Pi will get execute.