Mappning mellan indataoch utdata i löparapplikation
Today there are many sports tracking applications, but none of them give the runner feedbackon running technique. The purpose of this study is to do a mapping between input and output ina sports tracking application that enables sonification. A scheme for sonification is alsopresented, but not evaluated. The method corresponds to the design phase of an iterative designstudy. The method also includes a survey to give additional information for the choice ofmapping. A good running technique depends on the step length, relaxation, a straight posture,upright head, unclenched fists, setting the front half of the foot down first upon ground impact,having ground contact with the foot for long enough,the runner’s vertical oscillation, thedistance between the projection of runner’s centre of gravity to the ground and where the foot isset down, the angle at the elbows, that the arms move in counterphase with the legs, the tilt ofthe upper body and a slight tilt from the ankle.To measure running technique, GPS, accelerometers, gyroscopes, barometers, pedometers andpulse measuring devices can be used. 37 persons answered the survey. Significantly fewerrespondents wanted feedback on their running technique. The mapping is between speed,combustion, distance and vertical displacement to the accelerometer of the smartphone, route tothe smartphone’s GPS, upright head to a gyroscope, straight posture to the gyroscope of thesmartphone and a gyroscope at the neck, distance between foot impact and projection of therunner’s centre of gravity to an accelerometer at the foot in combination with the smartphone’saccelerometer and that the front half of the foot is set down first to two barometers placed by thetoes and the heel.The suggested scheme for sonification is to alter or add to the music that the runner is listeningto while running. Vertical displacement is sonified by an added“twang”-sound, the distancebetween the projection of runner’s centre of gravity to the ground and where the footis setdown is sonified by altering the music with a highpass-filter with varying cutoff-frequency,straight posture is sonified by a lowpass-filter with varying cutoff-frequency, the tilt of the headis sonified by the sound of wind added to the music, setting the front half of the foot down firstupon ground impact is sonified by heavy footstep sounds whenever the heel is set down firstand having ground contact with the foot for long enough is sonified by a warning sirenwhenever the ground contact is too short.