Human-Computer Interface for Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Because of the limitations of human cognitive skills, judgment, decision-making, and tactical understanding in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), there is a need to redesign the current human-computer interface (HCI) to improve the interaction and communication links between operators and the UAVs. The objective is to create a system that tests the cognitive workload of the operator. The system will display information to increase situational awareness; the operator will see everything, interpret it, make appropriate decisions, and have the ability to implement the decision. Multiple interfaces are developed using MATLAB's graphical user interface (GUI) capabilities and embedding satellite tool kit (STK) software into the GUI as a simulation environment. Both alternatives will combine buttons and place them in sequential order according to the steps needed to initialize UAVs and flight paths. One alternative will focus on a synchronous relay of information and the second will focus on an asynchronous relay of information. Usability tests with participants are conducted to measure their performance based on previously determined metrics: the time it takes to train a participant on how to use the interface, the time to complete a task, the number of errors that occur during the task, and the satisfaction level. Based on test results alternatives are redesigned and retested in order to achieve improved performance. An interface that will reduce the cognitive workload on an operator to allow better situational awareness of the environment is determined.
[1] Gary L. Klein,et al. A Collaboration Evaluation Framework , 2005 .
[2] Michael A. Goodrich,et al. Comparing Situation Awareness for Two Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Human Interface Approaches , 2006 .