Pelagic Open ocean environment. A marine sediment with that fraction derived from the continents indicating deposition from a dilute suspension distributed throughout deep-sea water. Phyllosilicate Layered or sheet silicate mineral, formed by sharing three of the four oxygens in neighboring silicon tetrahedra. Plankton Aquatic organisms that drift, or swim weakly. Can be either plants (phytoplankton) or animals (zooplankton). Redox Abbreviation for reduction}oxidation, usually expressed as a potential. Seamount Underwater mountain, 1000 m or higher elevation from seaSoor base. Morphology may be peaked or Sat-topped, with the latter called guyot. Suboxic Condition lacking free oxygen, but not extremely reducing. Zeolite Any of the minerals of the zeolite group. Aluminosilicate minerals with an open framework structure that allows for easily reversible hydration, gas adsorption, and either cation or anion exchange.